Marble Products

Marble Block
Marble Block

Marble Block

Marble Slabs
Marble Slabs

Marble Slabs

Chopped Marble
Chopped Marble

Chopped Marble

Turkey has been famous for decades for the quality of marble it exports to dozens of countries in the world; the most famous type is produced in Mugla southwestern Turkey.

Quality and Features of Marble Products in Turkey

Turkish marble is characterized by quality and diversity and is considered one of the most luxurious types of marble in the world for its resistance and tolerance to natural factors, known for its multiple colours and beautiful shapes, which give places an elegant luxurious elegance at the same time.

One of the well-known features of Turkish marble is its availability to meet the needs of the local and international markets and custom-made formations.

Its price competition for international marble is also an additional advantage that attracts importers remarkably to import it.

Marble in Turkey

Turkish Marble by Tebadul Company

Tebadul Trading Company provides multiple types of Turkish marble such as crystalline white marble, onyx marble, Burdur Beige, Afyon marble, Mugla, and other types and famous shapes.

Marble Block

Some importers prefer to ship marble in the form of blocks, and when they arrive, they cut them or sell them to the factories as they are, which in turn form of them what is requested according to the desire of customers.

In turn, Tebadul Company provides the finest types of marble in the form of different blocks according to colour, size and demand, at an affordable and competitive price.

Marble Slabs

Marble slabs are extracted from quarries in Turkey in the form of blocks, and then cut into the form of slabs within specific measurements, and marble slabs vary in type and colour, and in turn, Tebadul provides you with all types of marble slabs, colours, at the right price.

Marble products in Turkey

Marble (Pieces)

After the process of cutting marble into slabs, some prefer to ship them cut into certain shapes and dimensions, and this is what the company provides to importers of marble with the latest cutting machines, in all shapes, colours and standards, and the appropriate price and the required quantity.

Are Marble Prices in Turkey Good and Competitive?

When it comes to the abundance of marble quarries in Turkey, the multiplicity of types and colours, the great fame of Turkish marble, and a large number of factories and manpower, Turkish marble will inevitably be able to compete and provide suitable offers to importers.

Ways to Import Marble from Turkey and Tebadul Company services

Marble can be imported from Turkey in several ways, as follows:

  • Travel to Turkey: You can travel to Turkey to check products on the ground, which experts at Tebadul International Trade recommend.
  • Power of attorney for a commercial intermediary: It means assigning a company specialized in the field of import and export to secure the required quantities and sizes according to type, colour and quality, and to conclude a deal with the exporter.
  • Importing via the Internet: There are many marketing sites, which despite being an easy way, are risky, as it is sufficient to choose the type of marble to be imported, then order and ship it from Turkey, but beware of fraud in some fake company sites on the Internet.

As for the steps to import Turkish marble, they are almost the same as in most countries. After studying the price and type, and comparing offers with the local and international markets, the quality and quantity are determined, and the importer or his agent agrees on the price with the exporting merchant and the method of collecting the price.

Then the importer chooses the shipping method and the most appropriate means for that (land, sea, or others) and then the shipping papers are submitted, and an agreement is made with the shipping company to deliver the product and deliver it to the desired destination.

Tebadul International Trading Company provides all the services and information required from importers related to methods of importing marble from Turkey of all kinds

It shows investors everything related to the features of these types, the options for the product and its level of quality, and shows them the easiest ways to choose the product and factory following competitive prices, in addition to shipping, sorting and classification services, and all related logistics operations.

For further support and inquiries, contact our advisor to answer your questions and provide you with all the information you need.

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