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Wheat- Wheat Flour- Black SeaSPECIFICATIONS:
Extraction: 72% max.
Protein: 11% min - 14% max.
Moisture: 14.5% max.
Ash Content: 0.6% max.
Wet Gluten: 26% min.
Acidity: 0.04% max.
Falling Number: 250/sec min.
Water Absorption: 50 CM3 min.
Free From Bacterial & Diseased Factors.
Natural Smell and Test/Nuclear Radiation: not exceeding 150 Becquerel.
Packing: 50kg polypropylene bags moisture proof.
Production Date: less than 60 days.
Get PriceBlacksea Trading
Business TypeLimited Company
Key ProductsAgricultural Products - Agricultural Crops - Natural Grains - Wheat - Sugar - Rice

Wheat - Wheat seeds - Black SeaThe nutritional composition of the wheat grain varies somewhat with differences in climate and soil. Thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, and small amounts of vitamin A are present, but the milling process removes most of those nutrients with the bran and germ. The kernel contains 12 percent water, 70 percent carbohydrates, 12 percent protein, 2 percent fat, 1.8 percent minerals, and 2.2 percent crude fibers.
Get PriceBlacksea Trading
Business TypeLimited Company
Key ProductsAgricultural Products - Agricultural Crops - Natural Grains - Wheat - Sugar - Rice

MOSAIC - For Pastry - For Pastry - 25kgWho wouldn't want a magnificent Italian sourdough pizza. The unique aroma of wheat that gives pizza its flavor, the smoke that the fire adds to the dough. Pizza dough is like a battlefield. It will be elastic, its crunch will masterfully create insatiable pleasures on the palate and will host whatever is put on it in a friendly manner. The dough that develops as it is kneaded, the dough that is strong elasticity and strong against waiting should provide the same quality experience in every pizza. Here, Renata Pizza brings all these secrets that Italian chefs add to pizza to your tables with the flour it creates.
Get PriceÖzmen Un
Business TypeLimited Company
Key ProductsFood Products - Wheat - Wheat Flour - Flour - Natural Products

RENATA - Pizza - 25kgWho wouldn't want a wonderful Italian sourdough pizza. The unique aroma of wheat that gives pizza its flavor, the smoke that the fire adds to the dough. Pizza dough is like a battlefield. It will be elastic, its crunch will masterfully create insatiable pleasures on the palate and will host whatever is put on it in a friendly way. The dough that develops as it is kneaded, the dough that is strong elasticity and strong against waiting should provide the same quality experience in every pizza. Here, Renata Pizza brings all these secrets that Italian chefs add to pizza to your tables with the flour it creates.
Get PriceÖzmen Un
Business TypeLimited Company
Key ProductsFood Products - Wheat - Wheat Flour - Flour - Natural Products

ÖZMEN SARISI EXTRA - For Bread - For Flatbread - 25kgWhether porous with crust or porous with sourdough. Our Özmen Sarısı Extra flour, which preserves the moisture inside and provides long-term freshness, forms a thin crust with its elastic structure, and carries all the scents of spring, is the alternative solution partner of our masters. A gift from Mesopotamia for those who want better and follow the path of perfection.
Get PriceÖzmen Un
Business TypeLimited Company
Key ProductsFood Products - Wheat - Wheat Flour - Flour - Natural Products

BURGOS - Semolina - 25kgThere are some flavors that are indescribable, that contain special feelings and emotions for that moment. Burgos crowns the mastery with its four different varieties that give existence to such products. The summer halva prepared with Burgos, which we define as number 0-1-2-3, takes you to childhood memories with halva meetings between bread. For example, Hoşmerim... Although it is made differently in each province, it is one of the unforgettable local flavors of memories. For example, Sivrihisar Hoşmerim; It carries all the aroma that butter adds to semolina to a unique flavor level with sherbet. The four different varieties of our Burgos product add flavor and aroma to many different products according to their granular structure. You can make Hayrabolu dessert, or you can add it to içli köfte as a thickener. Or you can prepare the legendary semolina halva. Burgos Semolina, which you will add to the mixture you prepare for Şöbiyet and to clotted cream, will take your mastery to the highest level.
Get PriceÖzmen Un
Business TypeLimited Company
Key ProductsFood Products - Wheat - Wheat Flour - Flour - Natural Products

ALTINDANE - Sweetness - 25kgMesopotamia, Harran gifted humanity with wheat with its ancient knowledge. It warmed with its sun and gave flavor with its rain, and now we are preserving the Anatolian sherbet dessert tradition of thousands of years with Altındane Sweetness Elegant and carrying it to the future. Its fine granule structure, aroma, resistance to hot oil and superior performance in absorbing sherbet distinguish it from others. To beautiful tables that will create memories on the palate...
Get PriceÖzmen Un
Business TypeLimited Company
Key ProductsFood Products - Wheat - Wheat Flour - Flour - Natural Products

ALTINDANE - Halka Tatlılık- 25kgCrunchy on the outside, soft on the inside and melting in your mouth, ring desserts are sometimes shared on a street, sometimes at Halil İbrahim Sofrası. Ring desserts, a popular product of recent years, whose taste defies centuries and where the dough is taken to another level with the tradition of sherbet and frying, are now carrying the tradition to the future with Özmen Un's Altındane Halka Tatlılık flour. Altındane Halka Tatlılık, produced from durum wheat, melts in your mouth and offers a different taste experience with every bite with its aroma.
Get PriceÖzmen Un
Business TypeLimited Company
Key ProductsFood Products - Wheat - Wheat Flour - Flour - Natural Products

SUPER HİSİR - Baklavalık- 25kgSuper Hışır Baklavalık, produced from our wheat that has come to life with the sun of Mesopotamia; takes its inspiration from the magnificent sound "hışır" heard in the ears with every bite of baklava. Thanks to the elasticity of the dough, light as tulle, strong as iron yufkas are rolled out. The mastery is to protect the unique flavors that melt on the palate with each layer in the fire and to combine them with the syrup. Create the main body of your baklava with Super Hışır or create a special baklava that you knead entirely with it. The new generation baklavas with Super Hışır, which melts on the palate and whose aroma will be etched in memories for centuries, are the favorite of their craftsmen.
Get PriceÖzmen Un
Business TypeLimited Company
Key ProductsFood Products - Wheat - Wheat Flour - Flour - Natural Products

ANTEP FLOUR - For Baklava - 25kgOur masters asked us for a new flour for baklava that would break the rules. Our R&D unit developed such a different flour for our masters; it comes out of the oven early, its pistachios are green, its oil smells like a fragrant peach, it hisses as it melts on the palate and preserves its freshness for a long time. It is up to you to create the baklava you want with Antep flour by adding Özmen flour engineering to the dessert of palaces, baklava. You can reflect your craftsmanship on baklava slices by making mixtures with 100% Antep Flour, or our Super Hışır or Özmen Special flours.
Get PriceÖzmen Un
Business TypeLimited Company
Key ProductsFood Products - Wheat - Wheat Flour - Flour - Natural Products
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